Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Jane Austen Book Club-- Life imitates Art

For the past few days we have watched the film which was based upon Karen Joy Fowler's book.  This page to screen adaptation follows the lives of 5 women and 1 man as they read the 6 novels of Jane Austen.  Life imitates art as these individuals live out the desire and conflicts of Austen's protagonists in their own lives.

In Post 5, write a reaction to the film.  What are its strengths and weaknesses? What did you take away from it?  To whom would you recommend it?

Then write about a time when you have seen life imitating art.  Consider books that you have read, the characters that remind you of people you know, the conflicts that are similar to ones that you have experienced etc.  Describe a time when the world of literature has come alive.  What happened?  What is the significance?  What does this tell us about the power of literature?  What insights does it offer as to why we read?

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